These are some of my past keynotes, invited talks, and presentations. If you’d like to invite me to speak, please email me at [email protected]
“oPen education: People, Power, Permission, Pedagogy, & Possibilities” Keynote at VIVA 2024 Open and Affordable Community Forum
“Open CUNY: OER & Beyond” Invited Workshop with Stacy Katz for CUNY New Faculty Welcome Conference
“Cracking The Disciplines Open: How I’m Bringing Open into Political Science, & Why You Should Consider Cracking Your Field Open, Too.” Video from Open Ed 2020 Conference. Slides from OE Global 2020 Conference.
“Why Bother: Leveraging OER for Social Science” UGA Center for Teaching and Learning and the Department of International Affairs
“Digital Equity Webinar Series: Capitalizing on OER for Equity in PK-12” presentation for New York State Library, with Stacy Katz, Nicole Williams, and Jennifer Van Allen
“Where is Open? Where are Students & Where Do You Want To Go? ” Open Education Week Presentation for CSU Channel Islands
“It’s Not About the Money: 10 Things about Adopting OERs That Are Even Better Than Saving Students Thousands of Dollars” Keynote at OER Edcamp, Columbia, MD
Kingsborough Student Opinions on ZTC Courses – hear from real KCC students what textbook costs mean to them.